Monday, December 8, 2014


I promised that I would blog throughout my teaching experience. I have not been doing a very good job at keeping that promise. For now, please enjoy reading these hilarious, sweet, spunky responses from my students on a recent survey question:

1. What is one thing you want for Christmas? 
2. What is one thing you want to give someone else for Christmas? 

Student 1: 
1. The one thing I want for Christmas is to have a good day with my family
2. Something that makes that person happy 

Student 2: 
1. I want a 1970 Dodge Charger and a golden XBox 1
2. A dollar
well that's generous of you...

Student 3: 
1. For Christmas I want to eat tamales
2. And I want to give a kiss to Eduardo. 
Eduardo sits in front of her in class and he is fully aware that she would love to kiss him...awk. 

Student 4: 
1. I want make-up and new clothes for Christmas
2. I want to give food or clothes to people who need it
*proud moment*

Student 5: 
1. Jelly Donut
2. Oxygen 

Student 6:
1. Nutella
2. Nutella
because who likes figgy pudding? 

Student 7: 
1. For Christmas, I want nothing. 
2. What I want to give to a girl, is love. 
why does love always feel like a battlefield....

Student 8: 
1. I want to have my mom forever. 
2. I want to give cupcakes

Some days, they are hooligans with a ton of energy and I just want to know what teacher fed them jelly donuts and 5-hour energy shots when I wasn't looking. Other days, they are broken and come in quiet because life's stresses and burdens at home are so distracting that they struggle to focus in school. But every day, I love all 100 of them and they deserve my best. I'm so thankful for this experience so far! 

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