Sunday, October 25, 2015

Why I Do What I Do

It's already the end of the first 6 weeks of school, and I can hardly believe it. The first grading term has flown by and I feel like so much precious time has already come and gone. I love my students, even when they drive me crazy, but this time of year is exactly when I need to re-focus on my vision. On a more basic level, I just need to remember why it is that I'm here- why I do what I do. I don't love teaching- I don't even like it, if we're being honest. So why teach? Why do I do it? Why not quit? 

Here's a list of 20 reasons:

1. Because by the grace of God I am what I am, and that gift to me is not without effect
2. Because I received a top-notch education through public schools, and
3. Because I think that the best way for me to give  back is to provide the same opportunity for other communities.
4. Because I learned discipline, teamwork, and perseverance through school sports.
5. Because I learned how to be organized and how to plan events by being a class officer
6. Because I battled anorexia, and won, and I want to tell my girls that they are beautiful and they are loved.
7. Because my parents taught me to love God and love my neighbor, and
8. Because I believe that my "neighbor" is anyone in need- not just someone who looks like me, talks like me, or acts like me.
9. Because math should make sense to students if we are really trying to teach things that matter.
10. Because I want to get a hold of my students before drugs do.
11. Because I believe that faith without works is dead.
12. Because every child deserves someone who believes in their potential
13. Because the STAAR is an intimidating state test, but math really is relevant to our lives
14. Because no, you may not always need to remember that a squared plus b squared equals c squared, but you will absolutely need to remember how to work together, think critically, and so hard things
15. Because I can't stand the thought of one more of my students being expelled for fighting, so I go to work again and again each day to tell them that they don't have to prove their worth to me. They are already worthy. 
16. Because I believe my low-income, minority students are just as capable and just as intelligent as their more affluent peers
17. Because I want them to have access to a college education
18. Because they call me mom
19. Because they call me friend
20. Because they call me teacher

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