It's the end of my first year of teaching?!? One moment, I think, "how did this happen?" and the next, "finally!" I'm a roller-coaster of emotions right now and I couldn't be more proud of my students. They learned about Algebraic Functions, Relations, and Equations; more importantly, they learned about perseverance, hard work, dedication, and the value of teamwork. I am blessed to say that my students are the future of this Roma community and I learn new things from them every day.
Thus, I'm taking advice from my students today on things I should "Keep, Change, Start, Stop" for next year. There are some pretty silly responses, and some very insightful ones; all are valuable and informative for both my heart and my practice. I'm going to share them on the blog, one post at a time, for all my other teachers out there. (By the way, I totally stole this idea and the PDF from an amazing High School Math teacher that I follow via Check out her work. She's a rock star) First,
Things to Keep:
- encouraging us
- having fun activities
- spreading positivity and teaching the way you've been doing
- being yourself
- teaching math
- your last name
- pushing us to be better
- giving us inspirational quotes
- letting us charge our phones
- giving homework on Monday
- being who you are, because you're a good teacher
- your humor
- keep our assignments as memories
- keep doing what ever you want to do!
- bringing students to the SmartBoard to work
- the fun
- kids in your class
- giving out passes
- playing cards
- your lecturing
- having the same energy you have
- showing videos that motivate you
- the smile on your face
- doing what you're doing
- calm and carry on
- the work; don't change it
- making learning fun
- being awesome
- talking with your students
- giving us free time when we earn it
- being the best teacher <3
- staying awesome.
Yep, I love them. Cue tears.
Thanks for the shout-out! :D